Friday, August 28, 2009

Transkei Beaches, Wild Coast, South Africa

Sunset on the Transkei Wild Coast, home to the Xhosa Bead Museum. Under these tranquil surrounds the wisened Xhosa Grannies design and make the most exquisite traditional crafts handed down from generation to generation. All the crafts are hand made and designed in their wisened minds.

The rocky patches of the Eastern Cape's shores gives the name "Wild Coast", these beaches hug the most scenic landscapes rich in tradition and culture waiting to be explored.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Aster, I stumbled across your page a few weeks ago, and look forward to following any updates from the Xhosa Bead Museum! I have a strong interest in African bead weaving, but as a South African living in UK at the moment I'm frustratingly far from the source! Anyway, until my next trip South I'm gathering as much info as I can and having a go at some of the techniques! Best wishes to all involved with XBM!
